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Old 2012-04-30, 17:35   Link #1989
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Nah, Revive is niche, not useless. Revive Pantheon is lulsy (be focused down, revive, then man jump back in the teamfight), while a high elo streamer (forgot who) pretty much runs Revive/TP on his Karthus. While on a ridiculously long CD, sometimes it only takes one teamfight to win the game. And if you have a way to get back into the teamfight, essentially a 6v5 gives you a big edge on winning.

Heal baiting is done even in high elo. Champs who have innate heal reduct, you obviously wont take heal. But if they don't have any, no one is gonna itemize against heal when there are better options around.

Surge, Promote, and Clarity on the other hand...

Surge AS increase is miniscule for AD carries since it scales additively. Even those who main Kog (probably THE champ that benefits the most from Surge) doesn't take it. Assuming Flash is a given, Heal, Ignite, Exhaust, and Cleanse are all better options. Heck, even Ghost is better, and Ghost is rarely run on AD carries anymore.

Promote is pretty much dominion spell, where one promote can take down an undefended tower. Not so in SR.

Clarity on the otherhand, even Riot admits its a crutch for newer players so they can spam more.

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