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Old 2012-10-19, 05:20   Link #27
Autistic NEET bath lover
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: France
Originally Posted by Siphine View Post
Just checked wikipedia, reminds me of Vandread just by reading the first few lines of the plot (not the whole thing don't want to spoil it) Most definitely gonna watch it. Oh and btw I really like anything to do with aerial machines/ vehicles mostly the only reason i finished aquarion, actually thinking about becoming a pilot or aeronautic engineer since i like naval and underwater vessels also
Why don't you give MuvLuv Alternative : Total Eclipse a shot ? The synopsis might be your thing, but since it's a sidestory (don't be fooled by the first two episodes !), you must play the visual novel first (play MuvLuv Extra first, then Unlimited and Alternative after). It happens to be a mecha-flavored sci-fi show with romantic comedy elements just like Vandread, and the MC is a badass with a dark past. Plus the girls are very cute and show their own feelings as well, but I wouldn't spoil much since you better check it out for yourself.
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