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Old 2010-07-04, 17:45   Link #81
Unknown Soldier
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by shyezrylei View Post
Honestly you shouldn't worry about what your male friends would think if they discover what YOU watch. Besides, in general this show IS targeted at a male audience but in my book it's targeted to females as well.
Outside of Japan and especially outside of the otaku circles, people would be unaware of moe and so would see K-ON as something that was primarily girly and girl-oriented. The entire cast is all girls and all they do is girly things all day, sometimes they play girly music too. It would be impossible to explain why K-ON is supposed to be for lonely Japanese males because people outside of Japan aren't trained from birth to go insane over cuteness. In Japanese culture, cuteness has overwhelmingly come to dominate just about everything but that's untrue of almost all other cultures, including all the other Asian cultures.
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