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Old 2011-08-14, 10:21   Link #3
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Florida
HSI 20 - Edible Red Letter Day

So while Minko was right that they couldn't cook the rice in the classroom, Yuki was right in that there was nothing wrong with serving it. Little issues like that happen sometimes, and it looks like it resolved itself peacefully. With some help from Ohana, who wasn't being overly intrusive this time - just drawing on experience from home. She sacrificed her stomach to make sure both sides were okay. A noble cause. Though due to circumstances, Minko's message might not have wholly gotten through. Such is the workings of TV land.

While her screentime was limited, Mizuno looks interesting enough for her own episode. Had the paradigm been reversed and the show was school focused, with Kissuiso as a side story, she very well might have. She's good fodder for the minds of the audience, at least. And she's an artist, so I'm sort of drawn to her already. One could suppose cooking is an art too.
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