Thread: Licensed Gakuen Heaven
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Old 2006-04-02, 22:56   Link #40
Dame Cheesie
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: May 2004
I saw the raw first and thought it was absolute tripe. Ah well. Someday I'll find a good, new BL series that isn't called "Loveless"...
But that's the thing. Who was expecting plot in the first place? It's all about the guys, and I eagerly await the moment when it shows Meine Liebe how it should be done.

As for good BL series? I'm not holding my breath. Not until someone actually picks up a good manga and take it seriously without the roses and sparkling bubbles and whatnot. ._. (Though there's one live action series based on the works of Akimi Toshida that fascinated me with its depiction of love between an experiment and his special childhood friend. )
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