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Old 2013-01-31, 10:57   Link #353
Anomaly / 矛盾存在
Join Date: Jan 2013
Age: 29
Originally Posted by Orange Duke View Post
See, thing is I'm pretty sure (but I might still be wrong) the infection of the 2nd Disaster had been a forceful infection against Drake's will, so it isn't really possible unless we're in an alternate universe.
I don't think you could call it infection in that sense. It's true Silver Crow was infected by the Disaster after his fight; but even throughout his IS training, he never equipped it. Not until DT was mopping the floor with him and CP, not until Rust Jigsaw started killing the spectators in Hermes Cord Race.

I think there needs to be intention to equip it like that, for the case where the Disaster regrew from a fragment on the avatar.

In the case of the item form, I realised from V2 that:

-Radio did indeed pick up the Disaster as a drop. If it didn't appear in his storage, there's no way he can give it to Cherry Rook.

"You starving dog, forgetting your owner's kindness, and want(ing) to disturb my program?"
Furthermore V7 says all Armaments initially exist in Card Form. Ownership is decided by who first equips the item.

So technically someone cannot become the Disaster against their will. It is either through curiosity or feelings of intense hatred which compels them to resort to the Disaster.
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