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Old 2012-09-06, 21:59   Link #633
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Shimapan View Post
Quite the opposite - having Kirino lose would be the only way for the author to show that he *isn't* "horribad".
While breaking continuity with how easily Kirito defeated the boss before, it would show that the author had learned from his previuos mistake that you shouldn't make a character too overpowered, because otherwise all battles are just plain boring.
Having Kirito lose would make things at least interesting, instead of having some dull fight where Kirito wins easily once again.
Even though I too expressed some surprise at this element, I think you may be overstating it a little bit. If that happens, I don't think it would be "learning from his previous mistake" because that implies that it wasn't planned this way all along. His partying with Asuna, Asuna being stressed out by what's happening in the guild, his previous duel with Kuradeel, his unexpected victory in the boss battle (revealing his up-till-now secret, but foreshadowed skill), and his impending duel with Heathcliff are all intrinsicly linked. If the story does end up going such that he gets defeated in the duel, then it means that he was being brought up in order to be torn back down -- that the entire sequence of events (starting with Episode 8, and even earlier) was designed to transition Kirito from a solo player to a guild member, while drawing attention to the fact that he had this balance-altering special power. Yes, I'm sure they could have done the whole thing in a different way that would have omitted the special power element, but it was properly foreshadowed, and it's safe to assume that this has some sort of relevance going forward too.

In the end, it's easy to call things flaws and claim that the anime writers had some sort of responsibility to fix it, but who knows what the impact of such a change would be? Even if you don't like the way certain elements played out, I think we can only fully judge the suitability of the elements once we understand the whole story. Claiming that they should have altered the events is like "changing the past to change the future" -- we can't know yet what impact a modification will have on how things turn out.
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