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Old 2006-12-24, 21:09   Link #260
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Join Date: Dec 2005
It's been about a month, give or take a week, after PS3's launch. However, I just want to express my sadness about how some people thinks that PS3 won't last long as any other next-gen consoles.

Like I said, it's only been a month. Should not the public give Sony a year at least for itself to grow and develop? Sure, it has lot of problems right now, excluding its price that causes Sony to lose money. But that doesn't mean that it'll have the same problems a year after.

Right now, PS3 is just as same as a pre-maturely born baby that needs a lot of intensive care. But given time with plenty of attention, and that attention is the attention from the consumers and the game developers, that baby will grow to a healthy child, then to fully mature and god-like adult like Xbox 360 is now.

Give some time, like I always say. Great things doesn't happen overnight.
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