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Old 2023-09-23, 10:02   Link #379
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Join Date: Aug 2013
So back in the day Ichibe actually tried to make peace between Yhwach and the Soul Society, wanting the Quincies to just sit back and relax in their splendor and leave things be...but Yhwach wasn't having it. He feels that separating life from death is an aberration that causes nothing but problems, and he won't be deceived into thinking this three separate worlds created by the Soul King is correct .

In fact it seems like actually the Soul King's son? In some form? And the Soul King passes on this multiple pupil powers onto both Yhwach and Ichibe (who was there during his birth, apparently?). And Ichibe uses it to seal up Yhwach's powers, not that he's too fussed about it .

Y'know, I have a lot of questions about those Quincies who were there with Yhwach in the flashback. Especially that short rifle waifu !

Boar running through a hallway? You know that's Ganju! That's right, he's back, and he's joining Ichigo and co. again because he's got a map to the Royal Palace! Not that he really brings much value otherwise, but it's nice to see him again and be part of the group. Why with Yoruichi back onboard it's like the old Soul Society gang back together...minus Uryu .

Senjumaru confronts Yhwach and his CG Quincy mooks with her own who handily defeat them, less so when they sick Nianzol and his ability to deflect every attack thrown at him...though not the attacks coming from his own clothes woven by Senjumaru. And he gets tossed to the side .

Of course they've also got a whole Royal Guard of Sternritter ready to fight for Yhwach. Askin! Lille voiced by Satoshi Hino! Some Jawa looking dude! Also Gerard, who just tosses his robes aside to unveil his full viking glory like he's auditioning for Vinland Saga !

So Lille is a sniper and quite a dangerous one at that, headshotting Senjumaru and destroying all the other palaces...or he would have had Senjumaru not woven a fake Royal Palace so Kirio could trap the Quincies in a tree that will eat all Reishi. And then Squad Zero make their epic entrances .

Oh-Etsu out there throwing around an incomplete Zanpakuto that is still super OP it takes down Gerard in one hit and deflects all of Lille's attacks. Nice .

Figures Yhwach would have some kind of teleportation power to give him an excuse to fight Ichibe and his giant brush .
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