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Old 2004-10-28, 11:37   Link #38
Join Date: Jan 2003
What's with all the German bashing? It's a perfectly ordinary natural language - It has it's fair share of wierd exceptions, but not excessively so. Actually, germans being the way they are ( ) have catalogued and categorised just about all of them for your convenience... I mean, try learning English for example!

My distant memories from school seem to suggest that pretty much everyone hated learning German, not so much because of the language itself, but rather because it was a language they were not in the slightest interested in. You see, the Swedish education system places a great emphasis on learning languages. English is mandatory, and then you have the choice between (in a normal school) German, French and Spanish (some schools offer Russian, Italian, Finnish, Icelandic and so on, but the three first can be had pretty much everywhere). Since a lot of people (including me) are lazy bastards, and lazy bastards abhor working, they invaiably choose German. It is by far the closest related to Swedish and hence entailing a magnitude lower effort in learning vocab. Now, since no one has any real motivation, and learn real slowly, German is percieved to be A) Difficult and B) Boring. So. There.

Anyhow, if you are interested in learning it, then I would highly suggest finding someone to teach you, or at least talk to you. The grammar es excruxiatingly well documented, and can be learned fairly fast, as can the vocab, but the pronounciation will take a lot of work for an average English speaker. Also the only way to get used to constructing your sentences "backwards" from what you are used to will take practice, practice, practice. But don't worry - As these things go, English is fairly close to German, and it should be a snap compared to East Asian languages
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