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Old 2016-03-07, 08:56   Link #969
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
I take it that Satoru just wants to turn things off of the murder chain. Since Kayo was the first victim, he thought maybe by saving her he could prevent the murders. Once he was sure she'd be safe, he started turning his attention to the others to prevent their being murdered. And yes, this may tie into saving his mom too: it doesn't take a genius to piece together that Sachiko might have seen something in the past that could have made her a risk in the "present". Even if it wasn't a specific event that she saw, she was killed on account of her recognition of a murderer. If no murders happened in his hometown, there would be no reason for Sachiko to recognize the person as having a connection to any murders, and without a risk of recognition the killer would have no reason to go after her. And if she did see something specific, then if he can prevent whatever specific "something" it was she saw, she'll be safe.

Also, as for the whole manga/anime thing, is it at least alright to say that the current episode was faithful to the depicted chapters, without mentioning what chapter(s) the episode depicts? I can understand not wanting to identify how much more "story" is in the original, since that would suggest how much story is left to be put into X episodes, which would give a strong suggestion of whether the story would have to rush and truncate or stretch and fill. But I don't see how saying "they did a beautiful job translating this" or "they really worked hard to keep true to the source material" or "the added material blends in and wonderfully accentuates the original" would be much of a spoiler.
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