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Old 2013-04-13, 03:23   Link #184
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
If we assume that the creator has deemed Brain Burst a possible failure and started Cosmos Corrupt for that reason, then "Corruption" may refer to the pitfall that the creator has seen twice so far.

That is, if the creator deems success or failure based on the player-base's choices, the third game may be making it more obvious that the idea of "corruption" is important in terms of "winning" the game, insofar as one must avoid becoming corrupted.

Hmm. Except CC's year of release is only two years after the release of Brain Burst, whereas the Level 10 rule and peace treaty incident don't happen until at least four or five years into the game. So this whole theory seems to fall apart.

Perhaps instead, the creator is trying to achieve some result or discover some conclusion, and keeps refining his experiment. Like, he looked at Brain Burst, said to himself, "Yeah, that system is flawed; even if it gets the result I want, it might do so by a fluke. But now I have an idea for a slightly different experiment which is more likely to provide an unbiased answer."
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