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Old 2010-07-15, 22:25   Link #13
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Personally I don't find much fault with FMA as a series, but there's little to get overexcited about.

It doesn't take any chances and always seems to play it safe.

There was quite a bit unrealized potential in this anime. It would've been interesting to actually explore the other countries, but they did nothing regarding that.

The people from Xing were utterly pointless in the end.

I'm not going to take the time to write a full out review, but in general, FMA was a good anime, with lovable characters, but in the end played it too safe to ever pass onto true greatness.

FMA may be a polished shonen, but it's not a truly great one. Enjoyable ride, but it offers no more. In some ways, I felt the original FMA anime ended on a better note.
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