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Old 2019-01-06, 16:20   Link #1054
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 38
Yeah, there are some ships where you expect to do well in them, but against all expectations, they just prove reluctant to cooperate.

Case in point: I had a blast playing the Mahan the first half of the day, but now is a time of horrors, because I'm trying to grind the Seattle (almost exclusively), and right now, I just want to cry myself to sleep in a corner of my room. I really regret (accidentally) purchasing the Benson, because I really, really needed the credits to get Hull B, a concealment mod, a steering gears mod and an aiming systems mod (which I could replace with an AA mod) for the Seattle. But nooooooo, I just had to be a distracted bot and this evening ended up being a lengthy tale of unending torment because of that unfortunate moment. T_T

44K out of 242K. The road to Worcester shall be a long, tortuous one. Shame is, I'm saving my FXP for either a Nelson or a new free XP I won't spare any on this measly cruiser. FML.
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