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Old 2009-08-15, 18:03   Link #1934
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Age: 48
Originally Posted by justavisitor View Post
lol, I feel like I got lured into a trap, the more I talk, the more mistake I will make (well I am not a lawyer XD) and I sense vultures near by

Anyway, I will have to see whether magnuskn agrees that Ranka goes to find possible peace deal between human and vajra

a) if magnuskn thinks Ranka goes to search for peace, then the sentence should be like: "she offered herself to help against the Vajra... and after that she natively goes away to search for peace, forgetting her first and foremost responsibility is to protect the frontier!!"

b) if magnuskn thinks Ranka simply wants to take Ai-kun back to its home planet, then the sentence should be like: "she offered herself to help against the Vajra... and after that she natively decides that taking Ai-kun back to its home planet is more important than to protect the frontier!! "
Look, you brought up the whole "did she run away from reponsibility?" deal. To which I respond, she partly did, for the very simple reason that she didnīt want to be used as a weapon against the Vajra anymore. You cannot simplify her reasons to the level where she looks best ( "She went to look for peace with the Vajra, yay!" ), because her motivations seem to be pretty complex if one does look closely. I just watched those episodes again last week, so I think I got a pretty good grasp of the situation.

To try to put it into a cogent argument: Ranka *partly* did leave Frontier to pursue a vague idea that she could communicate with the Vajra and therefore bring about peace between them and humanity. But she *partly* also ran away, because she could not deal with Alto not being in love with her like she wanted him to be, and that she was being used by Leon ( and with Altos consent ) as a weapon against the Vajra.

Of course there are more complications in the fact that Ranka shortly before that moment had declared that she was okay with her song being used against the Vajra, therefore taking on a definite responsibility for the safety of the citizens of Frontier. So, conciously or not, she definitely did run away from that self-assumed responsibility ( kinda like Sarah Palin resigned as the governor of Alaska I kid, I kid.. not even I would sink so low as to compare Ranka to Sarah Palin. ) .

A lot of people, me included, do have a problem with that, because assuming the responsibility for the very lives of a few million people should carry along with it a certain gravity and Ranka did not seem to grasp that concept very well, instead seeming ( to me ) to make it all about Alto.

Her change from "I sing for the people of Frontier" to "I sing for Alto, and Alto alone! Why canīt he hear me?!?" was definitely a change for the worse in terms of her character development.
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