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Old 2009-03-08, 04:47   Link #75
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by kokolores View Post
since when is trying for a one-hit-kill a cheap trick? From what I gather Layfon didn't use any cheap moves at all. He got exiled because he basically said to the city "Screw your perceptions of the honor of us heavenly blades."
Yeah sorry, I used the wrong wordings. So what I meant is that his "Screw your perceptions of the honor of us heavenly blades" apparently screwed him back. Living in a world, sometimes you have to do things you don't want to just to survive. This is not exactly one of them but at the same time, what he did was right. It's pretty much a conflict in a way whether it's right or wrong. I felt it more of an iffy and either way I felt fine because I could not really say one way is more right than the other in the case of Layfon and Garfeld. Layfon felt it was right so in the end, the results is all that matters.
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