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Old 2011-06-25, 11:49   Link #37
Tetra Vaal
Join Date: Jun 2011
Not at all. There's not a single critic out there that can really give me a frame of reference, 'cause like most of modern pop-culture, the critic game has sunk to very low levels. More often than not, I see some average bloke with a blogspot URL being allowed to post their review when I never even heard of em'. And when you look up their credentials, they're usually nothing more than an internet personality, like Harry Knowles from AICN (one of the worst movie review sites on the net). It's as if both RT and Metacritic have become swamped with amateur-hour and MTV critics, it's ridiculous. This is why I never put stock into films that are considered very "fresh" or very "rotten", because it's hard to take anything they say at face value. I beat to the tune of my own drum and I have enough faith in my intelligence that I can tell the difference between a good or bad movie on my own.
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