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Old 2009-10-21, 04:30   Link #21863
Srsly ?
Join Date: Apr 2008
@Nobodyman : Simple. The fact she lived gave her plenty more time with Lelouch or involved in the romantic field.
And when I say 90% it would be more like 80%.
Yeah 10% Go to Shirley and 10 % to C.C..
Happy ?
She outrun your favorite anyway so I don't see the point in talking about the number of percent. Nipticking much ?

Originally Posted by HollowScar View Post
I wonder, if both Lelouch and Zero were two different entities, would she still have the same feelings for Lelouch?

Also, Kallen was intellectually very smart. I wonder, why she lacked the capability to be a leader like Zero.
It doesn't really matter since in the end it's official she fell in love with the man behind the mask, aka Lelouch. Had Lelouch not been Zero, he wouldn't have been the hero so this question is kinda bull. He might as well not have existed at all, so the real question would be "Had Lelouch not existed, would she have the same feelings for M. Invisible ?'


I'd say Kallen's feelings for Zero were her feelings for an idea. And the fact she had wet dreams about him...for a physic she pictured as handsome. Some might argue it's comparable to people's attraction to their idols or things like that. But In the end, you can only fall in love with the person behind all those parkles. So yeah, love, that is.

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