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Old 2011-11-28, 10:27   Link #26
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Originally Posted by Brimstone View Post
Ahh I see... But it seems Neito and the others are already going "Yes, my Lord!" on him
Yes, not just the cast though ...

Spoiler for Stream commentary:

Look at all all those Juds. at the end there!!! That scene is absolutely gorgeous and invigorating (I had chills down my spine and was soooo hyped for that entire last part) with the new BGM transitioning into the ED then have THAT picture from the novel.

Speaking of which,

この特殊EDも、監督が「読者達の、ここにおける最大のインパクトは何だったか」をしっかり考えて下さって 、特殊EDにしようということを平山Pが了承。音楽提供のランティスさんも快諾して下さり、藤井さんが根性 で全員書き下ろすという流れです。この部分はホント、有り難う御座います。
Basically Manabu convinced 平山理志 (one of the two producers, don't actually know how to pronounce his name) to have this picture in this ED to give the light novel fans the maximum impact for the scene; it's just such a nice gesture considering how much they have axed (not blaming them at all) from the series. The picture was completely, meticulously redrawn by Fujii (the anime character designer). Even for a still ED, this is honestly not them being cheap at all. If you didn't notice, there's also sunlight providing a lightning change, which is on pace with the ED, with the lyrics completely matching the scene. ED2 was considered godly, but ED1 just receive huge, HUGE bonus points too cause of this ending.

This series (up until this point) is truly a great adaptation from Sunrise fully deserving every point of conscience that both original and anime fans praise the series for. I can totally feel the sincerity from the studio for producing this and not just milking its name for profit.
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