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Old 2014-06-19, 22:09   Link #391
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Vitamin A derivative could help treat obesity, diabetes: study:

"In a discovery that could lead to treatment for obesity and type 2 diabetes,
prevent cardiovascular complications and ease weight management, scientists at
the University of Montreal have identified retinoic acid, a derivative of Vitamin A,
as the magic wand that turns fat cells brown.

Known as the body's "good fat," brown fat is preferable to white fat because of
its ability to generate heat. This is called thermogenesis, and it's what makes an
active metabolism. The mitochondria of brown fat cells are able to rapidly oxidize
fatty acid to produce heat.

To make this happen, researchers say exercise isn't necessary. This means brown
fat cells increase the basal energy metabolism, also called the "resting
metabolism." For example, that friend everyone has who eats like a horse and
never exercises might just have a lot of small brown fat cells."

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