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Old 2018-12-03, 13:27   Link #513
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
That time is upon us once again! Volume 91 releases this week, and with it, comes a new SBS! Credit goes to AP's Redon for compiling the info:

-Law's reaction to seeing a robot:

-A reader found it curious that Hina (who's confirmed to be a Rear Admiral, BTW) addresses Garp with the "-kun" honorific. Oda answers that Hina doesn't address all her superiors that way, and as Garp isn't the type to care about rank when being with friends, gets along pretty well with her. In fact, he feels they joined the marines at the same time, though this obviously isn't the case (note that Garp's age is 78, while Hina is 34).

-Another of Big Mom's offspring is confirmed to be a DF user: 18th daughter Charlotte Galette is confirmed to have the power of the Bata Bata no Mi (or Butter Butter fruit), a fitting power for the Minister of Butter. She even used her ability to trap Nami at one point.

-We get a little extra info on the 4 commanders of the RA:

Hobby: Volunteering
Favorite food: Weiner
Food he dislikes: All the chicken dishes

Hobby: Board game
Favorite food: Hamburger
Food he dislikes: Cookies

Belo Betty:
Hobby: Growing vegetables at home
Favorite food: Almond
Food she dislikes: Mayonnaise

Hobby: Karaoke, taking a walk in the earth
Favorite food: Bagna cĂ*uda
Food he/she dislikes: Fish
-Here's 40/60 year old Zoro:

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-Someone asks if the Pangaea castle from Mariejois can be considered the One Piece, since the real-life supercontinent had all of Earth's lands connected together in "one piece", so to speak. Naturally, Oda declines to answer this question...

-Morley of the RA commanders is confirmed to have the powers of the Oshi Oshi no Mi (or Push Push Fruit), which can be used to push and break apart things, which is how he/she can easily dig underground. Furthermore, Oda confirms that Morley was the one who dug up Level 5.5 in Impel Down! Over 100 years ago, Morley was a pirate who was arrested and imprisoned in ID, but used his/her power to tunnel through the prison and escape without anyone ever finding out, but apparently still got involved in some sort of incident. Interestingly, it's revealed that Morley is actually a recent recruit of the RA, and got along with Ivankov before the Okama King/Queen got sent to the prison himself. Curiously, despite turning Level 5.5 into an okama paradise, Iva is unaware that Morley was the one who dug up that level in the first place....

Oh, and it also turns out that our giant okama friend is 160 years old.... the same age as the giant pirate captains, Dorry and Brogy. However, it's still unknown whether or not Morley is from Elbaf, of has any connections to its pirates.....

That's it for now! Until the next SBS!
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