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Old 2008-12-01, 04:26   Link #28
?Clannad Troll¿
Join Date: Oct 2008
Originally Posted by EphemeralDream View Post
I honestly did not like this episode. I hated the supporting characters' attitude towards Luke, "We all know that you're a copy that's only a couple of years old and doesn't have any life experience or social skills, but we think you're egotistical and selfish and you shouldn't have so readily done what your only father-figure told you to do. This is your fault and we're ashamed of you." I honestly don't buy the crap that Tear actually cares for Luke, as she's known everything about him, yet apparently is A-ok with giving him verbal slaps as if he should know better.
Exactly. Remember, Luke only has the total life experience of a 10 year old I believe. While he was being an ass during the travels, they weren't upset enough to yell then. They were upset that he was doing something he thought was right to save an entire town that ended poorly. Why would anyone get upset over that? Subjective analysis of actions makes this existentialist a sad panda.

Would you scream at your kid if they broke the oven trying to cook you cookies for your birthday? I dunno about you, but I'd respect the intent and explain why their actions were wrong. Tellibg them that they're a piece of garbage and you couldn't think any less of them isn't something a good parent, or a good friend, would do.
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