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Old 2007-03-26, 15:26   Link #107
Bemused Scholar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Heh, that's pretty true. I love how faulty this guy's argument is.

1. He states that "I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, and to like whatever they want to."

2. There are people who have a right to their own opinion of Kanon being the best thing ever.

3. He thinks he has a right to criticize the opinions of these fans.

4. He thinks others shouldn't have the right to criticize his own opinion.

No more hypocrisy, K? People will likely respect you a lot more if you give good reasons and backing for your opinions. We're not asking you to change your opinion; believe whatever you want for all I care. Just don't expect us to stand idly if you blatantly make such statements without any substance backing it. And judging by your sig, it sounds like you care quite a lot what other people think, so you really should consider this.

Edit: What I found really ironic was that the only thing he stated against Kanon was that it was based on an eroge. Yet...apparently that didn't stop kauldron26 from loving Utawarerumono. Double standard much?

Last edited by Mirrinus; 2007-04-05 at 17:53.
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