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Old 2012-05-02, 10:41   Link #2008
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
and while exhaust is useful it requires you to a lot closer than you might like to for some supports, and generally someone besides the support had exhaust in theses matches too.
This is the main reason why I forego exhaust on anyone who is either support or long-ranged. Getting into dash distance usually spells your doom, since the best targets to exhaust are often the carries...not to mention most of them run cleanse.
I can't for the life me understand how/why they build Skarner, they all rush philo and HoG like some kinda of support, and some get Shurelya's Reverie before upgrading boots... or getting a sheen (and most of these skarners did BAD)
Some people think that gp5 is everything for the "underfarmed jungler" and so choose to attempt ganks while lacking the most crucial parts of a gank, i.e. MS and AD. Then again, Skarner can live without ganks, but what's the point of playing Skarner if you're not sticking your claws in the enemy's face? The only gp5 I rush are kage picks since they provide a decent amount of damage, avarice blade on Trynda, philo stone on a few supports and HoG on Mundo. Everyone else can wait till they get a core item or two before branching out to gp5.
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