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Old 2014-02-23, 06:54   Link #10
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: London, England
Age: 37
Online message boards and other forms of electronic communication such as SMS's (text messages) or social network websites have changed the way we communicate in a significant manner. When a person has the perception of greater anonymity they will have a tendency to be more forthright with their opinion and may even be more inclined to be less polite and considerate of others. It is not a universal trait because, as I said, it is a mere tendency not an absolute rule. I would say that the perception of anonymity coupled with a large audience gives a user two incentives to behave differently in order to gain attention. The effects need not be dramatic but usually the different environments does lead to some change in behaviour.

I do feel the rise of SMS's, social network websites and the general pervasiveness in being "plugged-in" on various mediums has also changed the way we interact with the world around us. For a start this instant communication while having it's obvious benefits does lead to a society where the emphasis on instant gratification is greater than ever. In addition to that the various mediums all compete for our attention leading to a scenario were we often multi-task between each medium and quite often don't give our full attention to any specific topic matter. Both these factors could have a detrimental effect on attention spans. If that is the case then a reduced attention span is going to have an effect in how people discuss various topics as people with reduced attention spans less likely to go into great depth in any given topic manner.
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