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Old 2008-06-23, 15:05   Link #1294
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by OceanBlue View Post
I laughed at the second-before-final sentence, to be honest.

You would be unable to walk there, correct? Something would prevent you from walking there, according to that theory.

If you were to appear just there, there might be a problem though.
It depends on how long you stay there. You might exist as a dead conspiracy theory, but if they get no proof of you being there, it's possible that the events after could be twisted. It doesn't have to be that you would be the cause, but that you might not be mentioned.

For example, you might have stopped the car, which would have led to the assassination. After which, by one way or another, you would be sent back to your present time, which would lead to the absence of proof of your existence, which would lead your existence to become a theory. There's no way people will believe that 25 chicken-suited people just appeared out of nowhere.

I'm not sure, to be honest. I personally like the alternate universes theory better.
Except that the crowd of hundreds (if not sevaral thousand), along with dozens of Police and secret service did in fact see a cadre of men in Chicken suits appear out of nowhere. Zapruder is likely to veer his camera away from JFK, and capture the chicken men on film. There will be visual evidence of their existence, along with JFK getting shot. Denial will be impossible.

The only way a time paradox could be prevented in these circumstances, would be for the "powers that be", to sabotage the mission before they depart. This could range from having the lab explode, all the men simultaneous suffer fatal strokes/heart attacks, or to have the equipment malfunction every time it's used, sending them to a specific time where 25 guys in chicken suits appearing wouldn't change history.

Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
It's the only theory that makes any amount of logical sense, though. Grandfather paradoxes should not exist, and the Novikov principle really is the only way to stop them.

Of course, in real life, time travel can't occur at all.
It's still a rather absurd scenario even with Novikov. Time travel just being outright impossible is far more likely.

The only time I can be convinced that this kind of time travel is possible, would be with direct interference of higher being not bound by conventional logic and space time constraints.
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