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Old 2010-05-03, 15:53   Link #625
Knowledge is the solution
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: St. Louis, MO
Age: 39
The problem with these idiots, is that they play the music by the same old score over and over again.
While I agree that trying variations and improvisations over the same idea have their value, I wouldn't think that a constant reliance on rehashing old ideas with slight divergences would be ideal in terms of creativity.

That and unlike it's seven arts siblings, music, dance and theater are arts that need to be performed and recreated every time. Unlike painting, sculpture and architecture that once done they last for eternity, the other threes are a flash of a moment (at least before the digital era. You *can* technically recreate a classical piece every time you perform it (and to a certain degree they already do that when the director injects his feelings and interpretation). However classical music also serves another purpose when you consider it as a window to the past. Art is one of the best ways humanity has to study the legacy of past generations. Every time a classical piece is performed to a tee, you are hearing the same piece that the composer thought of, and that every audience throughout many centuries has heard and delighted in. In a sense you are seeing history being made all over again.

Which doesn't mean that new stuff shouldn't be different. In art, there's as much value in exploring new stuff as there is in recapitulating the successes humanity has already made. At least in music, theater and dance.

It's J.S Bach's Inventions & Symphonias, No. 13 in A Minor, remixed by D.J Taka from Bemani to make the melody sound clearer.
... why would you want to that to Bach. Bach's and the Barroque strongest point is the polyphony of all voices. Making one predominant just kills the whole point. D: Still, it's an interesting take, and I don't particularly dislike it other than the fact that it doesn't take the author intentions into consideration. But that's just my personal opinion, and I'm not commenting on the fact of whether its valuable of not.

Last edited by Proto; 2010-05-03 at 16:13.
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