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Old 2010-11-25, 12:22   Link #41
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
There is something that really urks me about this plot... I think its like the feeling that Kubo is trying to create tension where none should exist. "Karin is visiting that urahara guy, isn't that so mysterious and suspicious?" well no not really, she's just buying anti-ghost stuff... "how much do you really know about your familiy? its mysterious and suspicious". Well ok, it is mysterious, but it's not like they are HTE EVIL! Ok maybe there is more to ichigo's family than we know but i'm just not feeling it... I mean it doesn't help that Ginjou is kinda over the top; he's trying too hard to be mysterious and kind of comes off as something of a self parody "would you like some ramen; dun, dun, dunnnn"... makes it kinda hard to take him seriously at all... maybe i just don't know what I'm suppose to feel at this moment; should i be taking this seriously like that last arc, or am i supposed to just have fun with it... it's like kubo managed to find a very uneasy balance between serious and funny that's just kind of eh
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