Thread: Halo: 4
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Old 2012-11-07, 15:52   Link #564
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Asuras View Post
Spoiler for Response:
As the Romans would say, "never corner a man unless you want to see how well he can fight"

Given the fact that humanity was facing extinction I would say the end does justify the means, especially when you log in how many lives they saved.

Plus, it wasn't like Halsey was torturing and peforming experiments on the kids. The reason John and the others were chosen were from what I read was because they were the actual descendants of the volunteers from the Spartan I program. While some died the ones who didn't make it but lived went on to do other things so she tried her best to ease it as much as possible.

And given the fact that they took the Spartan I and II to create the Spartan III which resulted in suicidal soldiers which then led into the Spartan IV it's hypocritical to make Halsey out like a monster in that sense. She literally was the mother and creator of the Spartan program and the fact that they are building from the foundations she made means anybody else involved should then be as guilty as the next.

As others have pointed out though Halsey crimes I would pinpoint on using the Spartan II and other resources for her own purpose (heading to Onyx).

Maybe the armor was THAT tough

or Covenant forget to level-up
When the Infinity collided there was a flash forming around the ship itself so I'm pretty sure it has a shielding system. There's no way the UNSC can fight the covenant on equal grounds if they have no shielding system. Otherwise those UNSC frigates are nothing more than cannon fodder.
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