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Old 2009-11-06, 05:27   Link #4106
Intellectual Rapist
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Well if you are trying to pin the murder for episode 4 on someone, then let us look at some key points.
1. Maria was given a mercy killing.
2. Kannon was the first in Kyrie's group to die. However, we do not know how Kyrie's group is defined so we just know he died before Kyrie.
3. Some sort of delayed action trap killed Battler, I do count poison in this case to be a trap.
4. I seriously doubt that the culprit is the same in each episode seeing as almost every time the results were everyone dies. I guess you could argue that Battler's sin is so horrifying that someone who would hate the thought of murder could in fact be a culprit, thus not being able to live with the guilt we get a suicide.
5. For this all being caused by Battler's sin, why is he always one of the last to die? To me it seems like someone is trying to cover up Battler's sin.

There are many more key points to determining the culprit(s) but with some information missing, I cannot say for sure who they are. I would think that there are two sides of the murders, though. I think there is a person or people trying to cover up Battler's sin and there is a person or people that would be driven to murder by Battler's sin. However, we cannot assume that Battler's sin is the only cause of the tragedy just the main cause.

Another reason I do not think there is only one culprit is because of Kinzo's body. I think that was thrown in after some murders because someone did not want the others to know Kinzo had been dead for a while. But if the person who did that was the one culprit then there would be no reason to burn Kinzo's body at first seeing as everyone else would be dead before long. The letters though, those were likely written up by one person so I would say but you never know. Unlike this episode you do not see much collaboration, the only other time I would say an event like this happened was in episode 2 with Kannon.

Back to Kinzo's death to wrap things up, if Battler killed Kinzo then it would make sense that the culprit is trying to cover the crime up by also burning Kinzo's body but if this was all to cover for Battler then it does not make sense that Battler does not live. I really cannot see a way where there aren't multiple culprits here.

In short, it's good thing Battler's victory conditions do not involve explaining a motive.
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