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Old 2013-03-14, 05:50   Link #17
Anomaly / 矛盾存在
Join Date: Jan 2013
Age: 29
Shiyumi has been bugging me to put it as.. anything other than Koudzuki, which I was using.

The main thing is, Niko when written in katakana is コウジキ ユニコ. Technically speaking, the most accurate romanisation for ジ is "dzu" because it is the addition of dakuten to ツ, muddying the sound from "tsu" to "dzu". And that also means I pronounce it the same way.

Hence when translating, I really put every syllable down, Ko-u-dzu-ki.

Shiyumi, were you the anon editor who tried to change it to Kozuki?

In any case, should I still keep it as Koudzuki, or use Kouzuki, or the shortest form out there, Kozuki?
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