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Old 2012-01-25, 08:10   Link #6
ANEGO Worshiper
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: By the vending machine, drinking tea.
Awesome chapter, it's these chapters that make me love One Piece so much! some people forget that this ISN'T a battle manga, it's an adventure manga and Oda pulls it off so perfectly.

From Nami's shower (and Chopper's super adorable self) to the trio's fishing gag and Brook freaking out when he saw the whales, it was all perfectly placed. Even Robin's continuous morbid way of pointing things and Franky's random background comments. Hell I even loved Sanji a whole lot here, he suffered a bit back in the FI arc but his antics now were pure lol inducing.
God I love One Piece.

But speaking of battles, it seems like Zoro can now easily do with one sword what it took his and Luffy's combined forces to achieve back in the CP9 arc. It's actually nice to be able to compare his power from there because aside from the destruction of the Kumabot, we've barely scene Zoro actually using things that show his power-up.
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