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Old 2013-02-02, 03:42   Link #5
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: United States
Age: 37
All right, I can't decide whether or not I liked this week's episode or not I'll start with the things I didn't care for:

First of all, the music selection in certain scenes was again odd. I don't know what each piece is called so it's hard to go into specifics, but I feel that in this episode and the last the music hasn't been used effectively. It's a small thing so it's not worth stressing about. The soundtrack for this series is still one of its strong points.

Next, what is with the crazy-eyed man with the fans (whose name I don't know)? Whereas every other character in the entire show is fairly placid and self-contained he is bombastic and all over the place. He doesn't fit the tone of the series at all in my opinion. Also, I didn't understand what happened when he died. So far no one else has released their cantus in such a manner upon their death. kuromitsu, was this addressed in the novel?

Third, I didn't understand the point of Maria's brief interlude at the end. It may serve some purpose in the future, but at this moment it seems like a forced way to "end" her character.

Now, onto the things I did like!

Shisei of the Double Pupils! I've been wondering why he is the only character with an über cool face mask. Now we know I, too, thought the display of his powers was a bit underwhelming. Nevertheless I thought it was well done.

The development of Satoru and Saki's relationship is being handled quite nicely. Given how anime usually handles summer festivals I was sort of expecting some shoe-horned romantic moment so I'm glad that we didn't get that. Having them kiss or passionately embrace wouldn't have felt natural. Instead we have a series of small but meaningful gestures from Satoru toward Saki. Being of the same age as the characters I can say that their interaction feels very natural. I like this.
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