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Old 2012-03-22, 08:34   Link #190
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by warita View Post
Yes, I agree with you 100%. They used this idiotic plot device to keep us at the edge of our seat and frankly, I dont appreciate it. I feel like the show is mocking us.
I felt annoyed the first time, when Misaki said that she didnt see any point telling them who the dead person is before, because it is pointless. Is that so? I mean seriously, imagine yourself in this situation. There is a curse killing people, you could die about any minute, everybody is scared to death, countermeasures dont work...... wouldnt you want to share this information with the others or at least the head of countermeasures if you were Misaki?
It was pointless before. Not only because she wasn't 100% sure she knew who the extra person was (she had never seen a "zombie" before, that's why she wanted to see Misaki's photograph from 26 years ago: she wanted to be certain she wasn't mistaken), but also because nobody would have believed her. In fact, it might have just drawn even more suspicion to her. There's no way Izumi would have believed her if she had claimed she knew X was the extra person because she saw it with her magical doll eye.

If I had been in the same situation as Mei, I would have also kept my mouth tightly shut. There's only one person who trusts her enough to believe her: Kouichi. And if my theory about the extra person is correct, she had a damn good reason for being reluctant to tell him anything.

What she should have revealed to Izumi, however, is that her cousin who died in April was in reality her twin. That was a crucial piece of information that could have helped avoid the current tragedy.
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