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Old 2009-07-02, 11:25   Link #54
Blackbeard D. Kuma
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Originally Posted by Hisoka?? View Post
actually I do understand the text in that picture. My jap isn't good enough to decipher the top right half of the page with that 3 long paragraphs. But the text at the groupings is pretty simple. There's nothing to indicate the rankings of each group apart from the lines and positioning in that "graph"

I'm not saying that his translation is wrong. I just think his interpretation of the diagram might be wrong. No problems if you believe him.

I'm not saying that I'm 100% correct anyway. There could have been other stuff in those 3 paragraphs to indicate otherwise. let's see the translated versions.
It's all good, man . It's interesting to see how other people, such as yourself, interpreted this authority system on behalf of the WG. I will also take your interpretation into consideration.

Originally Posted by paradox13 View Post
What the graph shows is that the CP1-9 and the Shichibukai report directly to the 5 Stars and that no other institution has the authority to command then, not the Marines nor the Police. Just shows that their independant thats all. The characters in the black box on the right says 'extra-judicial organization', whilst the characters in the black box on the left says 'official/public organization'. Nowhere does it say that one ranks above the other in terms of authority.

Interesting diagram nevertheless, thanks for posting.

And sorry for the off-topic post.
What you're saying here actually makes the most sense, I feel. One of the conditions upon entering the ranks of the shichibukai probably was that they wouldn't take orders from anyone else besides the five elder stars (their showings of selfishness/independence and acceptance of the mandatory summoning for the upcoming war attest to this). Thank you for providing us with your interpretation on this hierarchy topic.

And don't apologize for the "off-topic" post. There is always derailing occurring in every weekly chapter thread, and in this case it's because we don't have a thread dedicated to the WG, which is something that really needs to be created.

Originally Posted by Freya View Post
Cause they were probably friends before? They're both powerful fishmen. A lot of them probably know each other.
Arlong is a powerful fishman? He's like a puny ant in comparison to Jimbei. Arlong would be classified as a small fry in the One Piece universe.
Speed is weight. Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?
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