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Old 2013-07-28, 10:37   Link #33
Anomaly / 矛盾存在
Join Date: Jan 2013
Age: 29
V11.4 has been half-translated, half-summarised in my own Google Doc. Before I sleep and forget though, I just want to lay out what it explains:

Moves in AW fall into Special Moves (kanji written as Killer Ability) and Normal Moves.

Special Moves are termed «Active Skills», which consume the special gauge in gulps, and their effect is immediately apparent on the target. The target typically excludes your own avatar.

Normal Moves may be termed «Passive Skills» and further subdivided into two subcategories.

The first of which is described as 'perpetually active.' They don't require the avatar's special gauge to be filled or partially filled to be used. Cyan Pile's stinging attack (shooting his stake a metre) and Lotus' skill «Terminate Sword» fall here.

The second is described as 'limited activation.' They do require special gauge to consume for as long as they're in use, i.e 'sipping' the special gauge, but they're not active all the time. (Hence the difference between 'perpetual' and 'limited') Aviation, Vertical Wall Climb, and Raker's Boost Jump, activating her Gale Thruster, are such 'limited activation' skills.

This 'limited activation' skill type is distinct from Special Moves even though they both consume the Gauge. V11.4-wise, Flash Blink isn't an example given, but it still falls within Special Move / Active Skill since Falcon can only teleport as far as his whole Gauge allows his teleportation to go.
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