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Old 2004-08-09, 13:19   Link #17
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Cardboard Box
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Shay
Whoa there, I diden't realize I was missing out on stuff like that.
That sounds cool, not like its aimed for kids at all.

Hmmmm *Really starts to contemplate*


If I was to start reading the manga, considering were at ep 95 right now, what volume would I need to get to carry on from the current states of the anime?
Or should I go back a few chapters?
I'd seriously reccomend reading from the begining. The thing that most anime watchers that want to read the manga don't realize is that if you already KNOW what happens storyline-wize, you can ussually read alot faster and easier because you already grasp the situation. And also what most anime-watchers don't realize is that unlike the anime, the manga does not drag out. The manga is released in small doses weekly, so thusly, to keep the attention of the reader, they MUST make it fast paced. It wont be tedious and boring to read like it would be to re-watch the anime. And plus, with all the gorey scenes that the anime kept out, i'm sure you'll find quite a few xmas supprises. ^_^

but if you still aren't convinced and you just wanna pick up where the anime has left off, then Roberto's estimate is probably right.
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