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Old 2006-05-23, 01:56   Link #6
Prince of Moles
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Under New York City
Patalliro is an old and popular series. The manga has been out since 1978, mostly in Hana to Yume. It originally started as a comedy with a lot of gay characters. Because it's comedy, it pushed the envolepe with characters who wanted to be involved in pederasty, incent, pedophilia, bestiality, robot love, etc. (Wow when I put it this way, this makes it sound like a truly messed up series...) Anyway, the point I want to make is that this was a comedy that happened to have a lot of weird and strange characters including humans, robots, aliens, ghosts, demons, angels, a supercat, etc. And it is actually very funny, with surreal nonsensical comedy, word play, and many good stories.

The main character is Patalliro, who is playing the role of Son Goku.

Bancoran and Maraihi are a gay couple. Maraihi is playing the role of Sanzo hoshi, and Bancoran the guy with the long hair is an MI6 agent in the original manga. They had a baby (don't ask me how, it was divine intervention.)

The guy in the sunglasses is the author, Maya Mineo.

The horse or the dragon looks like Hewitt, the lolicon CIA agent.

I don't know who Piggy (Cho Hakkai) or Sandy (Sa Gojo) are supposed to be.

Hmm, looks like all of the characters in the pics so far are male.

Anyway since both Patalliro Saiyuki and Gensomaden Saiyuki base their stories on the original Saiyuki (Journey to the West), I suppose if you know/seen one of the three shows, the other two will be a lot easier to understand. (Except that this one has a lot of gay sex, I'm assuming.)
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