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Old 2009-07-15, 03:52   Link #1525
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: BFE, Nebraska
I think Saito's problem goes a little something like this. Louise's actions, words, and feelings don't all match up. Most people seem to be viewing this through the lens of what a female friend of mine referred to as "Nerd Chivalry". Let's look at Saito: low self-image, Average teenage boy's empathy(none), Stranger in a strange land, girls throwing themselves at him, inexperienced in love. It's not that he doesn't love Louise, It's just that with her actions and words not matching her true feelings most of the time leaves him confused and hurt, which Henrietta and Siesta use to their full advantage(the other girls aren't really competition). Earlier in the thread someone mentioned Louise's "reward" offer as proof of her love for him, I'd have to say dying for, and putting yourself back in harms way after your resurrection, beat that by a long mile. The fact that after he comes back, she still beats him like a drum cause she feels like it, has to make him feel like a real idiot for doing any of it to begin with. Heck, if she could be honest or he could ask some questions instead of assuming all the time, 90% of the problems would disappear.
Thing is I like SaitoxLouise, so maybe this time they will get their heads out of their rears and we get some relationship resolution here. Which won't happen, as torturing us is what keeps us coming back for more. Sorry so disorganized and hopefully no one takes offense at anything I've said.
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