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Old 2009-07-14, 06:49   Link #119
Explodes when thrown
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Age: 37
Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Kyon is the only non-opposite character, unless the slider is the anti-Kyon, but then one side would have a slider and the other would not....unless there are two sliders. One being a Kyon type and the other being the one that wants to join the SOS-dan. This means that the Anti-SOS-dan would need to gain another new member for balance (if they no longer can get Kyon), but this would be a normal human (or to be weird, a slider from Haruhi's universe that hasn't left yet. Meaning someone that can slide between universes but is native to the one Kyon's from).
There isn't and won't be an anti-Kyon. Sasaki's group wants him and implies that they need him in order to win the standoff anyway, so making an anti-Kyon kind of ruins the dynamic. It's supposed to set up a choice for Kyon - Haruhi, the spastic unpredictable lovable mess of an energetic girl... or Sasaki, the slightly off-kilter girl he knew from middle school. The SOS vs anti-SOS is set up, so far, as a Kyon-centric story even more so than just that he's the narrator.

Now, after he makes his choice, they might try to find a replacement... but I doubt it.

Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Weirdness happens. Yuki saves the day. (or Kyon, or Itsuki) things return to normal with the anti-SOS-dan still around to cause trouble later when they don't have their own homework to do or their own "fun" activites to plan. (The likelihood of Mikuru or Haruhi saving the day are slim to none since Mikuru just doesn't do saving and Haruhi is to remain unaware.)
I think it's significantly more likely that Haruhi could save the day completely accidentally than you seem to be implying here.

Kaisos Erranon's crack theory makes a little too much sense.
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