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Old 2012-03-05, 16:56   Link #25
Guess what time it is?
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Age: 38
Akazawa gave Mei the exact same death glare this week that she gave her outside homeroom after the teacher offed herself. Does she suspect Mei of being the extra? I doubt it. More likely, she suspects, as I do, that Mei knows way more than she lets on, and is getting tired of watching her stay stoic as lives are lost.

Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo View Post
I see no reason to assume Chibiki is 100% correct here, and I'm still treating what he says as theoretical and not factual. He might be right about Nakao, he might not - and the fact remains that the actual death occurred outside Yomiyama.
Chibiki is actually starting to weird me out. I'm not saying he's wrong about Nakao, it just seems like every time there's a death outside the established pattern, he finds a way to make it fit with the calamity. It's probably not important, since most of the deaths would take some serious coincidence to be accounted for as anything else, and I guess they don't have much choice but to take his analysis at face value. He seems to be the only sane person in Yomiyama with much insight into the phenomenon. All the other sources seem pretty damaged.

Originally Posted by Hakuromatsu View Post
Chibiki may not be all that he seems. We know now that he's the drama club advisor and an actor on top of that
I noticed that too. I'm certainly going to remember that, but for now, I don't think any of the other puzzle pieces match the information. I'll be listening for references to more former Class 3 kid and the drama club, though.

Can someone verify for me what Reiko and Katsunaga said at the beach about his class' visit to the shrine last week? I saw it translated as "We joined hands and..." but at the time, I took it to mean they joined hands with each other, and not in prayer. I just want to know if the story from the beach matches the version on the tape, or if there might have been more than one visit.
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