Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2013-03-14, 20:40   Link #3332
Von Himmel
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Dollars
But you said that 'I don't think anyone could call----', which means you hold a certain thinking that everyone should have the same opinion as you.

Yes I agree that there are certain things here that when you like it, it just means that you have a shit taste regardless of what they think about it.. but people are entitled to have different opinions in any matters. By which I mean that there's certainly a group of people that thinks the ending is good in their opinion, just like cedec0 here.. I think?

I'm just pointing that out because I disagree with your view.

Certainly most people would find the ending in a bad taste, but I know some people that find it acceptable. Are you denying their existence?

tl;dr I'm just nitpicking your post

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