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Old 2008-09-09, 15:48   Link #1552
2qt2bstr8 ♥♥
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Kicking ass in Mass.
Age: 34
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From a viewer's perspective, I just can't see them having sex. It doesn't feel right to me. Sheryl had just woken up from fainting, and it seemed she'd been out for quite a while (no less than half an hour), due to the sun having set once she came to. Not to mention it doesn't seem like Alto has really committed himself to a relationship with Sheryl. He's a companion, a friend, but not much more, yet. I just don't think Alto would have the balls to do the dirty with her under those circumstances. It's too much of a commitment for him, too soon. Kissing? Yes. Sex? Not really.

Then again, when I put myself in Sheryl's shoes, I can see her fully wanting it. She's dying, and if I was that close to the man (or, in my case, woman) I love, I'd do everything in my power to move to that next step. Unless I had Vajraids (or our own HIV). Then, no matter how much I'd want it, how much he'd (she) want it, I just would not be able to bring myself to push it forward, curable with a serum or not.

So, kissing? Fuck yeah. Sexual tension? Not even a Valkyrie beam-knife-thing could cut it. Sex? I just can't accept it, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I support SxA.
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