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Old 2007-10-30, 14:47   Link #145
Join Date: Dec 2005
Age: 43
Originally Posted by HayashiTakara
zomg I found something interesting. Near the last scene, there was symbolism to the relationship between Yuji and Konoe, When Yuji and Konoe were smiling at eachother the parent bird sat on Yuji's shoulder while Konoe had the baby bird. So if I'm right about this, there is no romantic feelings involved with Yuji towards Konoe and vice versa. I think that Konoe isn't even mentally capable of thinking about romance, its basically like a baby chick that clings onto whatever they see first and claims that thing as their parent.

lol, after writing that I see the similarity in behavior with Konoe and a baby bird, and why the writer was constantly using bird references. Thats why I believe Yuji doesn't really get why Shana is upset, since its more of a paternal feeling he has towards Konoe. Also, you gotta give Yuji credit that he never stopped thinking about Shana, cause as we all know, he does like her in that sort of way.
Nice observation, hadn't thought of that! That would also be one more hint in the direction of Konoe being some sort of proxy or clone, seeing the total lack of common sense and the like. I am now even more intrigued than before... and in dire need of episode 5. Oh well, no fast forward button IRL ;(
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