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Old 2012-04-06, 02:26   Link #3325
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Haha, wow, if that is true then Bernkastel must be hated even more than I thought, I hate her but she still looks fun to use. Or maybe they just want to work her out very slowly, maybe she's gonna kick total ass when she's released, they've had her sprite for a very long time haven't they?

Then again, I think they should give Lamda a few, tiny buffs before they release Berny.

Do you guys think Lambda should be buffed? I think one of two things should happen, at least. One either being her traps stay out for an extended period of time that actually makes them a total threat rather than a tiny nuisance, or give the cast speed of them a buff. I mean there's very few situations where I don't get a Battler Face Punch or a Siesta Piggyback Ride from trying to use it.

Her Vortex should be buffed a little as well, what is it good for? Her heart shield is WAY better than her Vortex move, as it just flat out erases every projectile(that I've seen, haven't tried it on every one) that is on the screen from what I've seen, even if it doesn't hit the hearts, and gives her SP. Her Vortex on the other hand, takes forever to cast, leaves her open, and doesn't even damage unless it's an EX, and that's a serious waste of SP as it barely does anything. Furthermore, her Meta extends outward, but her black hole pulls them inward, the traps themselves aren't really reliable enough to try to drag a player in when any decent player is either going to block or just back up...

Her basic range move is decent though, especially C version where she throws out that giant star, very very useful. Her Candy Flavored popcorn is also pretty sweet as well, I mean she has some really awesome features to her, and I love playing as her either way when all is said and done.

....Do you guys think she should get buffed?
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