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Old 2012-12-07, 09:54   Link #78
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Ist half is very good...with the second half is a nice follow up even though too bad they put the talk between yuuta and rikka offscreen,...I want too know what he said..

Anyway...just some commentary, I don't quite agree with touka leaving all to yuuta, even though she might not able to connect as she is not a chuuni, but she is a"sister" and that speak volume, even with the excuse of going to Italy, before that have she even try? Beyond saying to just face reality? She is putting "assuming" rikka would just understand with that much, expecting rikka would behave in the same manner as touka, to just accept and she is talking to rikka with "adult" level of maturity when rikka is not there yet.. My professor always said if you want to understand other try looking from their POV... I guess this is applied perfectly to this situation...

As for yuuta, I don't exactly know what he said, but forceful changing is not that good, is just promote rebounding and risk losing trust and possibly creating additional scar from "betrayal". Thus it's supposed to be done gradually overtime, 3 years should be enough, especially with the "boyfriend" tag which means a very close posisition of trust that second to none, in my view...

Do you guys agree with my idea?

P.S : if a person close to you has the same problem with rikka, what will you do?for me the step is similar to above...
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