Thread: Licensed Kamichu
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Old 2007-01-22, 13:15   Link #201
Guardian Enzo
Seishu's Ace
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Kobe, Japan
Well, I finally got around to watching the conclusion of this show - I don't think spoiler tags are necessary at this point, are they? Anyway...

I give the finale a solid "B" - I enjoyed the thoughtful contemplation of it and the way all the major characters were brought together. It had an element of anti-climax to it, though - which the whole series did, in some ways, as the story never quite lived up to the spectacular intro ep. Watching Shou-chan agonize over Miko, alternately reaching out and pushing away, was sheer torture - but I see their ending (the major unanswered question of the final arc) as optimistic. They're just too young to have a real relationship, but I get the sense that Miko is developing feelings for Shokichi that she doesn't quite understand yet. I think they have a chance (sequel, please!).

What disappointed me was that the main thrust of the series lost so much appeal. Yurie's cuteness (and whining) became overbearing, Mitsue was always a bit of a cipher and Matsuri only partially lowered her obnoxious shell. How ironic that in a show ostensibly about the girls, it was the boys who ended up being more interesting. Shou-chan, obviously, the strange and vexing Ken-chan, the trials of the insecure God Yashima, even the two otousans - the always appealing Hitotsubashi-san and the late-charging pathos of Saegusa-san - proved winning. Of the girls only little Miko actually grew in appeal as the series progressed, commanding center-stage with Shou-chan by the end of the run as far as plot development was concerned.

These are quibbles, in a way - this is a fine show all in all, with some of the best animation and music you'll see. It was a good ride, even if it fell just short of the greatness that was promised.
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