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Old 2005-12-24, 16:13   Link #7
Join Date: Nov 2004
Originally Posted by wingdarkness
Oooh finally found the new guys with the most current stuff, so happy am I now...5 straight days of me watching OP eps...Is this a dream?? But sometimes dreams don't meet reality...

Spoiler for 247-251:
Wow, I just don't know what to say to that...I just disagree with you so much on everything. XD Even after having read all this in the manga, I just loved every minute of this in the anime. I thought 251 was one of the best episodes I ever saw. I don't know why you're concerned about the flashbacks progressing the did Nami's, Chopper's, or Sanji's progress the story? They didn't, but they gave you important information on what makes the characters who they are.

As for Luffy, it's going to be a while before you really see him kick ass (as in fighting), but when he does, he really does. But at least in the next few episodes, you get to see some Sanji action, although not with CP9.

And lastly, for you interest in Robin, the poneglyphs, D, etc.. You're going to get a lot of information on that, but again, it won't be for quite a while in the anime.
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