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Old 2007-03-06, 04:55   Link #4
Legend Ver 2
The Omnipotent One
Join Date: Jan 2004
just is sidenote question since were on the subject of internet and dsl. delete this post if its conssidered off topic.

but i was wondering when they say 5mb or 3mb, do u guys actually dl at 3-5mb per second? i mean thats effing FAST!! imagine all the por.....i mean anime and etc u can dl in just a matter of hours, even minutes? i personally have 1.5mb dsl sbc connection, and compared to my friends, who get 200k even at their slowest speeds in BT, i cant even top 50k?!? is there something from with my connection or do i need to open certain ports or wut (i use a router btw), or should i just jump on the 3-5mb bandwagon?
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