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Old 2012-04-30, 18:03   Link #59
Join Date: Feb 2012
The way I look at it is this...

They went into the battle without Fudou, which is a terrible way to start off. Izumo was effortlessly brushing off all of their attacks, and they ultimately did more damage to their own HQ than to him. He offers terms. Whether the cast can trust him or not is ultimately irrelevant, because there is no alternative. Regardless of whether Zessica's doing it to save her friends or doing it because she's heartbroken is also irrelevant. If she doesn't take one for the team, Izumo and his lackies simply smash open Neo-Deava HQ and help themselves.

That being said, I don't fault Mix either because when faced with the prospect of watching a friend offer themselves up as a piece of meat, it would probably be difficult to stay rational.

I am, however, angry at Andy. He has absolutely no cause to hit Amata, when he himself did absolutely nothing to protect Mix. You don't have a leg to stand on when you blame somebody for "not doing enough" when you didn't do a thing yourself. Pissed at Amata for freezing up when he was taunted by the image of his mother? As opposed to assuming the fetal position for days because you accidentally made a sexual innuendo instead of a confession?

Though I guess one could argue that Amata is at fault simply because he's being a prat and won't shack up with Zessica.
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